In the Netherlands, approximately 7,000 accidents involving household chemicals occur each year. In most cases, the victims are children under the age of 5. By showing a kitchen cabinet through the eyes of a child, we allowed parents to see the potential danger of their everyday household products. The lenticular technique enabled the viewer to switch between a real world view and that of a child.

The Consumer Safety Institute strives to continually increase the safety of all citizens, young and old, by reducing accident-related injuries. The strength of the organisation lies in its ability to educate people in both accident-related information and accident prevention. In doing so, they consider more than just figures; behaviour, the surrounding environment and technology are also taken into account. This combined knowledge is used to create extremely effective campaigns.

Los creadores:

Advertising Agency: Lemz, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Copywriter: Chester de Vries
Art Director: Bram Tervoort
Illustrator: INDG

Enlace: Ads of the World